{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (27 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

(empty) (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1 Fix to DGRPDD1.m to allow blank social security. WorldVistA EHR closed fixed defect major David Whitten 12 years ago
#2 Upper case access verify codes WorldVistA EHR new defect trivial 15 years ago
#3 Resolution for "Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed." error message... WorldVistA EHR new 1.0 defect minor 15 years ago
#4 CCR Schema Validation - Problems Section CCD-CCR closed fixed defect major George Lilly 12 years ago
#5 CCR Schema Validation - Body order CCD-CCR closed fixed defect major George Lilly 12 years ago
#6 CCR Schema Validation - Alerts order CCD-CCR closed fixed defect major George Lilly 12 years ago
#7 uncommented ZWR CCD-CCR closed fixed defect minor George Lilly 12 years ago
#8 Meds section dates are incorrect CCD-CCR closed fixed defect major George Lilly 15 years ago
#9 ACRP Package crashes when reports accessed WorldVistA EHR new defect major 15 years ago
#10 Bug in the Fileman import data code (DDMP)... WorldVistA EHR new defect major 15 years ago
#11 Robust hashes for XUSHSH WorldVistA EHR new enhancement minor 15 years ago
#12 %DT flag "I" (for international input) prevent Fileman from accepting month names in Dates. CPRS relies on that. WorldVistA EHR new defect major 14 years ago
#13 Bug in WV Outpatient Pharmacy WorldVistA EHR closed fixed defect minor Sam Habiel 14 years ago
#14 Issue in listing down the Radiology order status in reports tab in CPRS CPRS new defect minor Kevin Toppenberg 14 years ago
#15 Scheduling GUI prints nothing except header when print is pressed from print preview control WorldVistA EHR closed fixed defect major 14 years ago
#16 RPC - TMG CHANNEL is created without routine and input parameter details. CPRS closed invalid 1.0 defect critical Kevin Toppenberg 14 years ago
#19 how to find source code CPRS new task blocker Kevin Toppenberg 14 years ago
#20 Make NPI optional CCD-CCR new defect major George Lilly 12 years ago
#21 Setup RPC functions during KID Install CCD-CCR new enhancement major George Lilly 12 years ago
#22 Expand CCD data CCD-CCR assigned 2.0 enhancement major sanchu 12 years ago
#23 Can't deploy EDIS from svn - Revision 1528: /EDIS/trunk CCD-CCR closed invalid defect major George Lilly 12 years ago
#24 What Concerning a DUI Culprit's Records in Other States? Are They Obtainable? CCD-CCR closed invalid defect trivial George Lilly 10 years ago
#25 Will the District attorney Know a DUI Offender's Driving and Criminal Records? CCD-CCR closed invalid defect trivial George Lilly 10 years ago
#27 plays a really valuable CCD-CCR closed invalid defect major George Lilly 10 years ago

milestone1 (2 matches)

#17 Cant change SSN field WorldVistA EHR closed wontfix 2.0 task blocker 14 years ago
#18 Backup CPRS closed invalid 1.0 task major Kevin Toppenberg 14 years ago

milestone4 (1 match)

#26 Many NDC not found from file ^PSNDF(50.67) on http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/ndc/ WorldVistA EHR new 2.0 defect critical 10 years ago
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.